You’ll find up-to-date bus routes and timetables on the Shetland Travel Information website and you can download the travel app to your smartphone.
Bus payments and multi-trip passes
Buses offer an economical way to travel around Shetland. All accept cash, credit or debit card (excluding American Express) and Apple/Google Pay. If you plan on using several buses during your trip, it’s worth buying a multi-trip bus pass which gives you a 20% discount on bus fares. You can buy a pass on any of the mainline service buses and top it up between £5-£50.
Bus routes in Shetland
The mainline bus services in Shetland are:
- Service 1: Lerwick Town Service
- Service 4: Scalloway
- Service 6: Sumburgh (South Mainland)
- Service 9: Walls (West Mainland)
- Service 19: Vidlin (East Mainland)
- Service 21: Hillswick (North Mainland)
Feeder buses run from these mainline services, which meet the buses at designated points and transport passengers on to different areas. An example is Service 7 to Bigton, which meets the mainline Service 6 Sumburgh bus at Channerwick Junction to take passengers to Bigton (the stop for visitors to St Ninian’s Isle).
For less frequently used bus routes, you may have to book a Dial-A-Ride service to take you to your destination. For example, the service from Lerwick to Tingwall is a Dial-A-Ride service and is available to anyone and much cheaper than getting a taxi. Anyone can use the Dial-A-Ride service, including visitors, but these must be booked 24 hours in advance by calling +44 (0)1595 745745. If your destination requires a Dial-A-Ride bus service, this will be marked on the timetable.