West Burrafirth makes a good anchorage. Vessels berthing at the pier are well sheltered by the ferry terminal serving Papa Stour.

West Burrafirth offers good shelter but is a busy commercial pier. Fender boards are recommended.

Along the coast, to the east, lies the uninhabited island of Vementry, marking the entrance to Swarbacks Minn, leading to Aith Voe, Olna Firth, and Busta Voe, a former naval anchorage. As you enter, look up towards Vementry's First World War watch tower and two gun emplacements which guard the sound. The isle also features Shetland's best-preserved chambered cairn.

West Burrafirth Pier

Depth (low water):2.5m - 5m
Contact:SIC Small Port Supervisor: +44 (0)1595 744221
Charges:Please see: SIC Table of Dues
Yacht facilities:Toilets, showers, fuel, fresh water, waste & waste oil disposal, slip
Other facilities:Telephone

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