
The Shetlanders: the cultured crofters

Meet the Shetlanders - a series of films featuring people who have chosen to make Shetland their home.

Here we introduce you to Tim and Floortje, who live on Shetland's west side with their daughter. Watch their film and learn more about their life in Shetland.

Tim and Floortje aren’t exactly what you might imagine when you think of Shetland crofters. He’s got tattoos and a not-quite rockabilly quiff; she’s got a short back and sides and a nose ring. They help look after some of the 125 sheep owned by Floortje’s family—but they also wouldn’t look out of place on London Fields.

When they’re not crofting, Tim and Floortje both work at Mareel, Lerwick’s slightly left-field arts and culture centre, which is all Scandi-style blonde wood, slick branding and big windows overlooking the harbour. It’s got gallery spaces, an arthouse cinema and spaces for students to study film-making and music, including state-of-the-art recording studios.