By Adam CivicoMay 23rd 2024

A delegation of Shetland energy industry experts travelled to Glasgow for the All Energy Conference to demonstrate why the islands are perfectly placed at the centre of Europe’s energy transition.

“While Shetland is the northernmost region in Scotland, it is far from being at the edge. It sits right in the heart of Scotland’s energy industry.” That was the message shared by a group of Shetland energy industry experts while attending the national All Energy Conference in Glasgow.

The islands’ location where the Atlantic Ocean meets the North Sea, combined with decades of industry experience, means Shetland is perfectly placed to support the energy transition. Combined with burgeoning partnerships between public authorities, local enterprises and developers, this indicates the scale of ambitious projects on the horizon.

Among the organisations representing the local industry in Glasgow were:

  • The Norn Alliance
  • Lerwick Port Authority
  • Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  • Shetland Islands Council
  • Arven Offshore Wind Farm
  • Stoura Offshore Wind Farm
  • Veri Energy
  • Shetland Aerogenerators
  • Peterson
  • Statkraft

Shetland’s strategic location and the exciting opportunities that local enterprises may capitalise on in the anticipated clean energy boom are worth celebrating. The archipelago sits at the centre of emerging offshore and onshore wind farms, is home to a world-leading tidal energy array and boasts established supply chains that have serviced the oil and gas industry for over 40 years.

Shetland’s combined experience includes delivering infrastructure and expertise for major projects including the construction of the Sullom Voe Terminal in the 1970s, Shetland Gas Plant in the 2010s, and the Viking Energy Wind Farm – the UK’s largest onshore wind farm in terms of annual electricity output – in the 2020s. The islands’ harbours, supply chain and highly skilled workforce still support the oil and gas industry. That is set to continue as the energy transition proceeds.

With significant proposed renewable offshore energy developments near Shetland, and a vision to create a world-leading clean energy hub producing secure and affordable clean energy, the message is clear – Shetland’s experience and ideal location mean the islands are ready for the future.

Indeed, that was one of the key messages the Shetland delegation highlighted at All Energy 2024.

A combined Shetland exhibitor presence at All Energy, which included several developers, re-enforces Shetland's position at the centre of the energy transition.

Capt. Calum Grains

Captain Calum Grains, Chief Executive of Lerwick Port Authority was also among the Shetland delegation, and welcomed the chance to reinforce the experience and expertise that sets Shetland apart.

“The All Energy event was a great opportunity to establish new and grow existing relationships with developers and suppliers involved in the energy sector. Lerwick Port Authority has decades of experience in supporting the energy industry and more recently the renewables sector.

“A combined Shetland exhibitor presence at All Energy, which included several developers, re-enforces Shetland's position at the centre of the energy transition."

That kind of partnership working is at the heart of Shetland’s approach to emerging clean energy opportunities. Public authorities are working closely with developers including ESB, Ocean Winds, and Mainstream Renewable Power, all of which are preparing to develop offshore wind farms in the NE1 site to the east of Shetland. Floating turbines here could generate around 3GW of energy, and usher in a new era of energy-related investment and employment in Shetland.

Discover more about Shetland's exceptional energy industry expertise.