Responsible travel within Shetland
Please be aware that although all of these recommended walks and hikes are on public footpaths, many of them run across private land. We ask that everyone remain responsible and respectful of other people's property and stick to the designated footpaths.
If you have to use gates or stiles, use gloves or hand sanitiser. If a gate is closed when you find it remember to close it securely behind you – after all, they're there for a reason and particularly important for the safeguarding of livestock.
And, it goes without saying, do not light fires or BBQs on farmland or open moorland. Dog owners must keep their dogs on leads at all times and please remember to take all your litter home with you.
For more information on enjoying the Shetland coasts and countryside responsibly, please see the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.
With more Shetlanders travelling out and about, as well as visitors from the Scottish mainland and beyond, it's also vitally important to continue to adhere to social distancing rules and the Scottish government guidelines on coronavirus. If you have any symptoms at all, please stay at home and do not travel.