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  • Summer Photography Competition top 10 - vote for your favourite
By Promote ShetlandSeptember 19th 2024

The top 10 in Promote Shetland’s 2024 Summer Photography Competition have been chosen. Vote for your favourite image that best represents Shetland in the summertime and help us decide the winner.

More than 800 images were entered in the Promote Shetland 2024 Shetland Summer Photography Competition between June and August.

We asked for images that captured the best things about summertime in the islands and were blown away by the number and quality of photographs. The wonderful photography entered in the contest showcased an array of the most beautiful locations, amazing wildlife and fun-packed activities that help make Shetland an incredible place.

The Promote Shetland team had a difficult task whittling the entries to the top 10. But we’ve done it and here is our final selection. It’s now down to the public to decide which of these images should be our winner and runner-up.

Vote for your favourite

Top 10 gallery

Use this gallery to see full-size versions of the shortlisted photos. Remember to select and vote your favourite above.

Submissions covered everything from peaceful walks to family fun days, spectacular cloud formations and even an appearance of the northern lights on the darker nights of late August.

If anyone needs to remember just how special the islands are, looking at our gallery of fabulous summer images is a great way to do that. There are too many images to include them all but we hope you’ll enjoy the selection of fantastic photos that you can view below

Prize winners will be notified by email or social media as detailed in the terms and conditions (link below).

Until next year, we hope the selection gives you a small taste of life in summery Shetland.

Shetland in the summertime

  • Terms & Conditions

    Terms and Conditions

    1. Eligibility: The summer 2024 photography competition is open to anyone who lives in Shetland or anyone visiting the islands between 1st June 2024 and 31st August 2024. Under 18s must get permission from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) before entering. NB Communication Ltd employees and those contracted to work for Promote Shetland are not eligible to enter. To be eligible you must have correct permissions and/or rights to share any image(s) entered.

    2. Agreement to rules: By participating, you agree to be bound by these rules and meet the eligibility requirements mentioned above. Further, you agree to accept the decisions made by Promote Shetland as final and binding as it relates to the content.

    3. Entry and closing dates: Entries will be accepted as soon as the competition is live on Shetland.org from 00:01am 1st June 2024. All entries must be received by the closing date: 11.59pm on 31st August 2024.

    4. How to enter: To enter the competition, you must share a photo via the Summer in Shetland Photography Competition digital entry. This is available at shetland.org and may be shared on social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn or Twitter). You can enter multiple times, as long as you use the digital entry process each time.

    5. Image subject permissions: By submitting your entry you warrant that all persons featured in your photograph(s) have given you their express consent for their image to be used and, in the case of vulnerable adults or persons under 18 years of age, you warrant that you have obtained express consent from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s).

    6. Image manipulation: You can use digital manipulation to optimise an image, but you are not permitted to add or remove key elements of the composition. Judges have the discretion to reject any image which has been, in their opinion, over-manipulated, removing the integrity of the original image. All images entered must be original photography and not generated by AI.

    7. Wildlife protection: By submitting an entry, you warrant that no wildlife was harmed or manipulated in the making of the image, and that you obeyed all wildlife protection laws and regulations.

    8. Intellectual property rights: The entrant must be the sole author and owner of the copyright of all images entered. It is the legal responsibility of the entrant, and not the organisers, to ensure that they comply with these ownership and copyright requirements, and own the rights to reproduction of their images. Entries that do not fulfil these criteria will be deemed ineligible and disqualified. Where this is discovered after the prize has been awarded, the prize must be returned or refunded by the entrant. Entrants agree to fully indemnify Promote Shetland and its sponsors and employees in respect of all royalties, fees and any other monies owing to any person by reason of the entrant breaching any of the foregoing.

    9. Agreed to: You agree to grant the Promote Shetland a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable licence, for the full period of any intellectual property rights in the competition entry and any accompanying materials, to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store, re-format and sub-licence the competition entry and any accompanying materials for any legitimate purposes, including, but not limited to, marketing (e.g. newsletters, blogs and social media), publicity, advertising, fundraising and presentations.

    10. Prizes: The winner will receive a voucher to spend at the Camera Centre, 72 Commercial St., Lerwick, Shetland ZE1 0DL, entitling the winner to purchase a 20"x16" custom canvas print worth £67.99. A runner-up will receive a voucher entitling the holder to a copy of 'Wild Shetland Through the Seasons' worth £36.99 from The Shetland Times Bookshop. If postage is required the winner must inform the Promote Shetland service/NB Communication. No cash or other prize substitution will be offered and the prize is non-transferable. By accepting the prize the winner/runner-up permits Promote Shetland to use the prize winners' name on social media and on shetland.org blog posts to promote the winning photographs.

    11. Winner: All entries will be collated by Promote Shetland and shortlist of 10 photographs will be selected. A winner and runner-up will be selected from those images, and Promote Shetland may use a public vote to decide the winner and runner-up. This vote may take place after the competition entry closing date. The winner will be notified via social media and the Camera Centre will arrange for the winner to have an image of their choice printed on canvas. If the winner fails to claim the prize within two weeks from the time of the award notification was sent, the prize may be forfeited and another winner selected. The runner-up will arrange with The Shetland Times Bookshop to collect the book prize from the shop at 71-79 Commercial Street, Lerwick, ZE1 0AJ

    12. Terms: Promote Shetland reserves the right to cancel, modify, or suspend the contest should anything or anyone affect the administration, security, fairness, or conduct of the competition. Promote Shetland also reserves the right to disqualify any individual who attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the competition or website or violates the Terms and Conditions. Promote Shetland has the right to maintain the integrity of the contest, to void entries for any reason.

    13. Limitations of liability: By entering, you agree to release and hold Promote Shetland, its employees, and affiliates harmless from any liability, illness, injury, death, loss, litigation, claim, or damage that may occur, directly or indirectly.

    14. Privacy policy: Information submitted with an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on Shetland.org.

    15. Competition law: The competition will be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Scotland, and entrants to the competition submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Scotland.

    Promote Shetland reserves the right to update these Terms & Conditions and any updated version will be effective as soon as it is published on the website www.shetland.org.