My elderly neighbour has never had a driving license, so I often give her a lift to doctor's appointments and the like; after all, it's the neighbourly thing to do. This morning she needed a lift to the Sumburgh airport as she's away south on her summer holidays visiting family. Although it's an hour's drive to the airport I was glad to make the trip as it gave my youngest and I the excuse to go puffin spotting at the Sumburgh Lighthouse and RSPB Nature Reserve. The visitor centre has recently been renovated and they've done a fantastic job with it; it's well worth a look!
No summer is complete, in my humble opinion, if I haven't managed a visit to see these quirky little birds. It can be hit or miss whether or not there are any puffins on shore when you visit, but we were in luck today as there were hundreds.
Here's the obligatory puffin photograph to prove it. Aren't they adorable!