At the moment we have 32 households on our veg box delivery round and more on the waiting list. Every Friday we travel around Sandness and Walls dropping off boxes at front doors and in sheds ready for our customers to pick up when they get home. A fair quantity also goes into Lerwick to Scoop the wholefood shop, it is a good way to get our produce to people who live in town and can't get a direct delivery.
When we show people around our growing area many of them are astounded by what we grow. Not just the variety, but the quantity of produce too. During the height of the season (April to October) we often work six long days and a little bit less on a Sunday. I guess it shows because we hear many comments about how much work it all takes to get things into the ground and growing well.
What neither our customers or visitors see is the other side of the enterprise. The bit that joins the growing to the delivery; the bit that turns the business of growing into a growing business. Our produce has to become a commodity. It needs to be harvested, trimmed, sometimes cleaned, sorted, weighed, bagged and priced. And boxed.